Photo's and updates on the lives of the Gordon and Alberta Gugel clan and close relatives.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Butterflies and Rainbows……………….

Brian Jacob Wilcher
May 30, 1991 – October 1, 2004
Our Little Angel Boy

Today I am thankful for butterflies and rainbows, these are sure signs that all is ok in my world. Even though I live each moment to it’s fullest, butterflies and rainbows remind me how precious each one can be……..mb

Niagara Falls trip by mb........

A brother’s love is like no other,
a bond that is formed never to be broken.
Love is the tie that binds us forever………mb

Aaron and Brian.....

Birthday Beach Party 2004.........13 years old........


Sue said...

Brian, I know you are watching over us all. Love you and think of you often.

Barb said...

What great picture - Love bonds all no matter how much distance is in between

Marilyn said...

Rainbows, God's promise. Butterflies, simple beauty and the symbol of transformation. What perfect symbols for Brian and all of us. May we all live in the moment of those images.