Photo's and updates on the lives of the Gordon and Alberta Gugel clan and close relatives.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

CoLlEgE LiFe @ DuB-C

Hey family! As you all know I'm away at college, and I've made some pretty awesome friends! Don't ask...Lol we were making fun of some girls who took a picture just like this. But, we look so much hotter. In the picture are my friends Whitney (green socks) and my Shanon (orange socks) they live down the hall from me.

In this picture is Summer and I. We were hanging out at the beach bash!

Abbie Rae and I decided to do my hair all crazy style at girls night :)

These are some pictures that I have right now. I'm sure I will post more as I get them. I can't wait to come home for Thaksgiving and see everyone again :) I miss you all very much, and I love you all very much too!


MB said...


Sue said...

AND (sniff, sniff) SO GROWN UP!

Aubrey said...

When I first saw that picture I thought the blog had been hacked by hookers! LMAO J/K I love the pic, looks like your having fun, and GAWD I WISH I HAD ABS LIKE YOURS....=( Miss you bunches, love ya!

Aubrey said...
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Stevie/Joey/JR/Shrek said...

It is all fun and games until you get your own Duke bill!!!

Aubrey said...

UMMM. Steve, in your ultimate spelled Shrek wrong..

Shelby said...

heather i miss you and trevor messing around with each other hope to see you at thanksgiving an christmas

shelby said...

nice picture and nice hair. as you know i am 10 now and very smart and also i 5th gr. even thoth i am just 10 i am proud of you