Photo's and updates on the lives of the Gordon and Alberta Gugel clan and close relatives.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Jefferson Family: Sue, Gary, John, Corey and Gary's dauther Angel

Gary, the tye dye guy. A very nice guy who usually needs a hair cut. I can't complain about this guy.... he allows me to camp out in one of his spare rooms. Well, I do cook for him occasionally.

Sue thought she would try snorkeling. She had always heard that the coral and fish were really beautiful. So she suited up and got in the pool. I don't know if she ever saw anything. I never did see her with her head underwater.

She is actually preparing herself for a trip to the Camen Islands.

I accidentally deleted the photo of Sue in the water. I can seem to get it back. Sorry about that. It kept putting it by Gary at the top of this post, and would not move. Still learning the in's and out's of working the blog.

After a hard day of snorkeling, we must take a nap. She was the last to leave the pool that day, all except for Tom. He stayed to babysit her while she slept. What a sweetie!

John is still as good looking as ever. This was taken in March, just after I finally arrived here in Cincinnati for good. I don't get to see him as much as I would like. For some reason hanging out with an aunt who is almost 60 is not something a guy in his 20's wants to do.... its scary thinking that someone would want to do that! I am SO glad he has a life!

I was bemoaning the fact that I did not have a current photo of Corey, and guess who walked into my room! Another good looking member of our family. But he does not resemble his sister, below.

The last Jefferson is Gary's daughter Angel. She is a real sweetie, and has begging for treats down to a science. She is sitting... I always make her sit when I give her a treat. She thought I was going to give her my camera as a treat!

Here is a warning: if you leave your car door open when you come here for a visit, she will be sitting in your car when you return. And just TRY getting her out of your car.... ask Barb.

Angel told me that she has decided that more people would allow her in their cars if she dressed better. She is going to talk to Shannon the next time she is here, to get some fashion tips.

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