Photo's and updates on the lives of the Gordon and Alberta Gugel clan and close relatives.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Butterflies and Rainbows……………….

Brian Jacob Wilcher
May 30, 1991 – October 1, 2004
Our Little Angel Boy

Today I am thankful for butterflies and rainbows, these are sure signs that all is ok in my world. Even though I live each moment to it’s fullest, butterflies and rainbows remind me how precious each one can be……..mb

Niagara Falls trip by mb........

A brother’s love is like no other,
a bond that is formed never to be broken.
Love is the tie that binds us forever………mb

Aaron and Brian.....

Birthday Beach Party 2004.........13 years old........

Friday, September 28, 2007

Some Shots of Gordon

Hi everyone --
We realized we had a few shots of (now Grandpa) Gordon from last Christmas that the family might enjoy. Gordon joined us at my Angela's mom's house in middle-of-nowhere Nebraska (a town near Broken Bow) ... Dave & Gordon got to spend some good father son time together, and Gordon even got to show off his new hat! Angela H & David Gugel

Thursday, September 27, 2007

For My Parents - Today I Remember

Today I remember how happy you were together....
Your smile and laughter....
The love you shared with us all.....
The integrity and stamina you showed us through hard times…..
And how to enjoy the good times.
So here's to you mom and dad.....
Thank you for making me the person I was meant to be......All my love.....mb

P.S. Thanks for taking care of the kids.....

Happy Birthday Dad.....Happy Angel Day Mom.......

Uodate on Tom

Hi all,
I just wanted to update whats been going on with me.
Well I went to the eye doctor, and got the eye exam.
Nancy asked me what the doctor said, I said, "He said you're blind and need glasses.", what else would he say.
The type of eye glasses I'm getting are bi-focals.
I don't know how they're going to work out, but I guess I'll get used to them. ( God, when did I get sooooo OLD !!!! )
I will be getting a different wheelchair to barrow. They were going to exchange chairs yesterday, but the controls were on the right side, I'm a lefty, but the guy couldn't get control off of the right side. Oh well !!!
This one is a different kind than the first two. It cracks me up.
I don't know yet when I am getting the new one, but I sure can't wait until I get it though.
I'm doing the art class, and going to meetings at ILO.
One of the things that LADD is helping me with is cooking on a stove, and NOT just in a microwive oven. Well, my Mother and Sister-in-Law brought over some cookware.
Anyway, in the box was a bottle of wine, it made me laugh.
Catch yall later

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Update from Marilyn

Hi all,
Just wanted to point out a new change. There on the left of this page is a link to David, Angela and Rowan's blog. That way you can easily check up on them when you come here to check up on us. Yes, I am brilliant, thank you, thank you. Also, I've sent out some more invitations to join the blog (Gugel sibling family members only). If you know someone I've left out, just let me know and I'll send an invitation.

Love ya, Marilyn

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Michelle's Homecoming Dance

Yesterday, Saturday Sept. 22nd was Colerain High School's Homecoming Dance. It was a big day for the McLin's. A group of girls came over and Barb helped some of them with their hair and makeup (she is actually really good at that) and they all got dressed up. Then a plethora (look the word up) of Suits and Gowns invaded for a photo session. It was all very exciting. We had our photo shoot and the group went off for dinner and the dance. Afterward they all returned to the McLin home for an after-dance party.
I just had to get an image of Michelle and that hairdo... she just looks so beautiful with it done up like that. I want to look like her when I grow up. No, its not a Barb creation, Shelly had her hair done at the Beauty Parlor.

Here is Shelly and her boyfriend Josh.

Shelly looks so beautiful in that dress. I think its perfect for her. I love the way the ruffle runs down one side. Oops, you can't see the side with the ruffle in this photo... look at the group photo below.

Here is a photo of the whole group. It was kind of amazing to see all those beautiful kids all dressed up and looking so grownup (which they are, almost). Guess you can't see the ruffle in the photo either. You will just have to take my word for it.

Heather's Recent Meet

These photo's are from Heather's recent meet. I think it was in August but it may have been in September. Barb asked me to post them for her so I do not have the exact information. Here is a photo of Michelle and Heather which I think was taken before the meet. Heather does not look exhausted!

Here is Heather running the race... that arrow follows her around everywhere when she is running in a group so we can find her easily. I don't know how she does that.

See? Arrow gone... she is in the photo alone.
Here are a couple of photo's of Heather and her team mates.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sue & Gary's Grand Cayman trip

This is Stringray City. I'm holding that one!

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Kristin is the young lady who is assisting me.
She, and the people she works for are a Godsend to me.
Since my wife's passing just three months ago, it seems like life is been limbo.
With that said, having Kristin in my life has helped in so many ways.
She has given me direction in my life.
I am doing a lot more things than I would have imagend.
I Thank God for sending her into my life everyday.
I am glad she will be around the next several months espicially on October 4th, and through the upcoming holiday's.
October 4th would have been my late wife Kathy's Birthday.
I can't say enough good things about Kristin.
I hope I can put both a picture of Kathy and also one of Kristin on this Blog.
I'll keep you updated.

Wilcher's 1st Cruise - August 2007

We had a great time on our trip to Cabo San Lucas and Ensenada Mexico. It was a 5 nights - 4 days of fun fun fun!!! The first night we checked out the ship - it was fantastic!

The second day we were at sea and had a relaxing time at the spa and the bars of course. Ed loved being at sea again.........

On the third day we were in Cabo and went on an excursion to the Sea of Cortez for some snorkling. It was absolutly wonderful.......

Lovers Point.....

My first time ever snorkling.....

Water temp was 85 air temp 90..........

Ed loved it too.......

We met some fun people from Canada....

The next day we were at sea, Thursday August 9th was Ed's 56th birthday. He is one lucky guy, he won the slot tornament..$500...Go ED! Happy Birthday!!!!

Friday we were in Ensenada, I was not feeling too well..... I thought it was alcohol but the sea sickness set in...... not good for MB........Ed tried to find another date but lucky for me it didn't work out....haha

Before we knew it we were back in San Diego, but we had great fun!!

I want to go on a cruise for my BIG 50!!! Save the date 2009!!!!