These are the photo's from Kathy's Birthday Celebration. When photo's are added in edit format, it always puts them on top. So read below about all the folks who went with Tom to Palmetto's to honor Kathy's birthday and to help him celebrate in spite of his sorrow.
Here is Tom, Kristen and Nick. Such handsome people.
Diane and Nancy that night. I'm also in the photo, right behind the camera! Just picture it! As soon as Tom gets his photo's developed, I'll add one with me in the photo also. I hope it does not show all the drink glasses that we consumed that night... we did celebrate happyhour!
Photo of Ed and Tom. They had a place set up for us that accommodated the wheelchairs wonderfully!
Kat, Judy and Linda. Read below about these wonderful women.
Hi everyone !!!!
As I said about the baseball game in August...... "AWESOME, TOTALLY AWESOME" !!!!!!!!!!!!
Make that, "AWESOME, TOTALLY AWESOME II" !!!!!!!!!!
We went to Palomino's Restaurant on Thursday, October 4TH. It would've been Kathy's 51ST Birthday. Everything went sooooooo well all that day. To give you an idea of that day for me, and what I did that day,I was awake at 4am so I could go to a mass for my Dear Sweet Kathy.
The mass was not until 8am, but I got there early enough to be there in time. Anyway, I was able to nap a little while before meeting my friend Nick and going Downtown to meet everyone.
Everybody had an excellent time. I did not get anyone telling me other wise. I would like to Thank everyone who was able to attend the dinner. I was so happy that there was a a cross section of the different people I had invited. The part I enjoyed the most was the fact that it all worked out so well. I know that Kristin had a wonderful time. As did Kat, Judi, and Ed, who were there in part to celebrate the 30TH Anniversary of The Center for Independent Living Option's Inc. If I failed to do so that night, I would like to congratulate them on that Milestone, and to Thank them for all the many years of service and friendship.
I want to say Thanks to Kristin for being there. She is very special to me. I don't know what I'd do without her. I also want to Thank my Family members, Nancy, Marilyn, and Diane, for being there for me. And I'd like to tell Nick Thank You as well. I think it was so nice of everyone who came that night to rearrange their schedule's to be down there. Our friend Linda was there as well. She and Kathy turned into life long friends through out the short time I lived at Holister House, where Linda still lives. I know she misses Kathy almost as much as I do. I'm sorry that some others, who were coming that night and couldn't make it, missed out on such a wonderful celebration.
You ALL meant the world to Kathy, and STILL mean the world to me. The staff at Palomino's, were as always, SUPERB !!!!!!! Marlena was our waitress. She is such a sweetie. Her serving us really made the night even more special to me. As we were leaving, she told everyone else that she hoped to see them again. She then looked at me and said to me, "Well, I know YOU'LL be back!" One of the funniest things anyone said to me that night, is what Kristin said to me. She said, "Gee..... For a German guy, you sure eat a lot of Italian food."
As I've been telling folks, I have many Angels around me, I count everyone I invited to celebrate that night among the massive list of Angels I have, both in Heaven, and here on Earth. I can't think of anything else to say about that night. Marilyn will be adding the pictures from that night as soon as she can. Love and Peace to everyone.