Photo's and updates on the lives of the Gordon and Alberta Gugel clan and close relatives.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

First Funny of 2008

Well tonight as I went to change Abby's diaper before bed I noticed a huge booger in her nose. Well, after using the snot sucker upper for a few minutes I realized that whatever this was it was not a booger. Well 20 minutes after sucking and sucking and traumatizing her I decided to go to the ER and let them remove what we have decided was a skittle from her nose. We used a light to look in and this thing was pretty big and bright yellow. So, on the absolute coldest night of the year..well we will say winter since its only the second day of the year, I bundle her up and off we went. We were only there for an hour but we had many spectators. They decided to try the vacuum and suck the skittle out. Well she only cried for about 30 seconds and they were able to get it out without using "tools". She really didn't even wake up. Come to find out it wasn't a skittle, it was a HUGE pop corn kernel. Only my!


MB said...


Anonymous said...

Oh poor thing - Heather had a part to a toy telephone up her nose once when she was little -- Poor thing